Since my RE has upped my dose to 100mg from 50mg this letter is to ask you to please be good to me for the next 4 days. Please let me sleep at night, I know how you usually like to give me insomnia. And no hot flashes OK? Also could you please keep my irritability to a minimum? I'm already quite irritable that I have to take you to begin with since I can't seem to get pregnant. My DH would love this latter request as he'll be around for the next 4 days and he usually gets the brunt of the melt-downs... Also could you please help me grow lots of great follies so that we have a good chance this time? This is our last IUI, a "hail Mary" if you will. It would be great if you could do your part in this process.
Hugs & kisses,
Hello world!
11 months ago
I am cheering for you!