Today I am most thankful for good friends and family. I am so lucky to have amazing and supportive people in my life. We have been pretty open about our inability to have children and everyone has been fabulous over the 2.5 years we've been dealing with it. Two people/couples are specifically standing out to me today.
I'm thankful for my sister and brother-in-law who allow us to tag along to almost everything they do with their son. O is the closest thing I'll have to a child of my own and I cherish every moment I have with him. I'm thankful they are our "besties" and that they invited us to Cavalia last night. It was such an amazing show and I'm glad we got to experience it with them!
I'm thankful for my friend K. She always thinks to ask how I'm feeing about things as we continue on in this journey. She lives in another state and I was so excited to get a card from her this week. Just a little something to say she is thinking of us and she sent 2 pictures of her gorgeous daughter A. It is framed in my office next to my picture of O! I can't wait until they are living in CO again so we can see them as much as we want!
What are you thankful for today?
Hello world!
1 year ago
I am thankful for you my love! Thanks for being my bestie and the best auntie that O could ever imagine. Love you lots!